Popup Florist Kelsie Hayes

Kelsie Hayes, owner of Popup Florist, shares her holiday plans with us and gives us a few tips for creating a great holiday party.

What are you looking forward to this holiday season?

I love December because all of my friends are in the city and family and friends from out of town come to visit. It's really fun to just have everyone together and spend quality time.

What are your holiday plans?

For Christmas, we’re going to Maryland and hopefully someplace warm for New Year's.

What’s the best gift to give a host?

My obligatory answer is flowers. If I’m not bringing flowers, I like to gift candles.

What’s the best gift to give your guests upon leaving a party?

I’m a sweets lover, so I love to give guests some sort of sweet treat! If I don’t have time to bake, Cupcake Market is my favorite and is conveniently located across the street from my shop!

What’s your No. 1 holiday party rule?

I love a theme, so when it comes to holidays, I break into my extensive collection of sequins!